Dear friends and colleagues,
We are so glad that we can continue to meet in person, exchanging knowledge and emotions. MENC, the neurointerventional community of Mid-Eastern Europe continues its mission to support the development and promote the application of new neurological minimally invasive techniques at the level of best clinical practice.
From subarachnoid hemorrhage to ischemic stroke, complex cerebral and spinal vascular malformations all topics will be covered during the meeting in the way of presenting every day practice complications, which gives us greatest opportunity to learn and advance. Dear friends, let us meet again in the spirit of MENC and share our experience for the 19th time,
7 – 9 November, 2024 in Wroclaw, Poland.
As in the past, the meeting will be supported by the European Foundation of Minimally Invasive Neurological Therapy (EFMINT).
Dear friends and colleagues,
Despite the ever-changing obstacles we continue to meet in person, exchanging knowledge and emotions. MENC, the neurointerventional community of Mid-Eastern Europe continues its mission to support the development and promote the application of new neurological minimally invasive techniques at the level of best clinical practice.
From subarachnoid hemorrhage to ischemic stroke, complex cerebral and spinal vascular malformations all topics will be covered during the meeting in the way of presenting every day practice complications, which gives us greatest opportunity to learn and advance. Dear friends, let us meet again in the spirit of MENC and share our experience for the 18th time, 18 – 20 October, 2023 in Belgrade, Serbia.
As in the past, the meeting will be supported by the European Foundation of Minimally Invasive Neurological Therapy (EFMINT).

President of the 18th Meeting of MENC
MENC 2022 in Romania, Welcome Message
As you know the tradition continues, we are now at the 17th edition of MENC, MENC2022 which will take place in the eastern part of the middle east, Iasi, Romania. The saying “learning by sharing” goes further. For more than 17 years the experience with good and bad has hardly and easily become routine in our daily practice. Iasi, known as the Historical and Cultural Capital of Romania, a symbol of Romanian history is honored to host this event in which EFMINT, the propellant of new neuroendovascular techniques from basic to complex, shows its intention to fight again and again with the most difficult problems of human pathology, stroke, aneurysms, vascular malformations and other.
The charming Townlet of Iasi, as it is also called Iasi, in the heart of Moldavia where tradition combines with innovation opens its gates widely.
As this new year 2022 comes with hopes, don’t forget to save the dates 20-21 October, 2022, Iasi, Romania the place where the story and the spirit of MENC go further. For further infos please visit our website.
e-fellowship jointly organized with ESMINT
The 6-month e-fellowship programme (supported by Cerenovus with an educational grant) will enable an EYMINT member to interact directly with an ESMINT mentor and remotely view neuro-interventional procedures that are of interest to them.
The mentor and the e-fellow will have one-on-one discussions, and the e-fellow will also have one-to-one communication with the treating physician during all procedures, which will be live-streamed using the technology from Tegus Medical.
In addition, there will be joint sessions with one mentor and all e-fellows observing. In this setting one e-fellow actively interacts with the mentor via one-to one-communication. Please visit the project website:

The Mid-European Neurointerventional Club (MENC) 2021
MENC is a traditional regional meeting focusing on complex and difficult Neurointerventional cases and complications. MENC was first organized in 2005 in Vienna. Since then, the meeting venue has been moving from country to country each year, including the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Poland, Hungary, and Ukraine. This meeting aims to concentrate on the practice of neuro interventions under the special circumstances of that region but using the guidance of highly appreciated special guests from the western part of Europe. Each year, it is attended by 30-50 physicians from Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Ukraine, Slovakia, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary. During the past 14 years, MENC became a mature meeting of high professional quality. Until now, it has been organized by direct industrial sponsorship, which is no longer available. To preserve the achievements and the spirit of the meeting (especially with the fast growth of stroke interventions), EFMINT offers its assistance taking over sponsorship. To serve this goal, EFMINT is now actively soliciting funds to support MENC 2021.
EastMINT aims at helping less experienced centers to implementing the guideline based procedures and to treat difficult stroke cases with the support of a more experienced team. The remote proctoring will be conducted with the help of a unique state-of-the-art using camera based streaming and communication platform, specifically developed and tested for stroke interventions (Bechstein et al. 2019).
The Mid-European Neurointerventional Club (MENC) 2019
MENC is a traditional regional meeting focusing on complex and difficult Neurointerventional cases and complications. MENC was first organized in 2005 in Vienna. Since then, the meeting venue has been moving from country to country each year, including the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Poland, Hungary, and Ukraine. This meeting aims to concentrate on the practice of neuro interventions under the special circumstances of that region but using the guidance of highly appreciated special guests from the western part of Europe. Each year, it is attended by 30-50 physicians from Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Ukraine, Slovakia, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary. During the past 14 years, MENC became a mature meeting of high professional quality. Until now, it has been organized by direct industrial sponsorship, which is no longer available. To preserve the achievements and the spirit of the meeting (especially with the fast growth of stroke interventions), EFMINT offers its assistance taking over sponsorship. To serve this goal, EFMINT is now actively soliciting funds to support MENC 2019.
For further information, please visit www.efmint.eu and contact the Board of EFMINT.
The MENC 2019 is officially accredited by EACCME® for 12 European CME credits (ECMEC®).